This concept immediately made me think of deaf education and visual phonics. First when I was reading the article it talked about younger students using different songs or chants in order to focus on different aspects of the phonemes in the different words. Rhyming is also an important aspect of phonemic awareness and can help students predict what the word will be next based on the rhyming scheme. This is a great tool to use in your classroom. As far as visual phonics goes, this technique is used when you are teaching a child with a hearing loss what different sounds are. It focuses on using symbols that represent hand movements on the mouth. This helps the child visual what sound they will make and most symbols represent what movements your tongue makes. However, if some students have some hearing the techniques such as sing song, in the article and book can be used to teach the deaf students phonemic awareness.
I didn't even think about these techniques being used for those students who have hearing impairments. The video also makes great points to help enhance these student's learning like having visuals, enhanced lighting, and enlarged font.